This is Caitlyn's card. She was so excited about this new stamp and was watching so keenly while I colored my image for the #55 Bella sketch challenge that I stamped one out for her and let her color one too. Well, it just turned out so cute that I had to make it into a card. Both my mom and Paul's mom love it when they get art from the girls so this card will be perfect from Caitie to one of them since she is our lil artist ^_~

And little Wendy Papillion here was just for fun to use up some scraps. I thought it was so funny that I was saving this image Sparkle sent to me. I kept thinking, I only have one more of her so I need to save her and then while I was putting my Bitty Blooms into my binder I realized I have this stamp, lol! And Alanna asked if I bleed blue or red since I live in Utah. I am assuming that means am I a democrat or republican? I'm neither ^_~ I vote for the person, not the party so I don't 'pick sides'. I think people are way too touchy when it comes to elections. I just think we are always trying to teach our kids to be good sports, to still cheer for the team that wins even if it's not our team (well at least I do, lol). I feel elections should be much the same. Even if the person we didn't personally vote for gets elected we should still support, pray, and help them to make our country a better place. Anyway, off my political soap box, lol! Have a lovely Sunday!
I love Caitlyn's card. And your card is too cute. I should have been specific about the bleeding blue or red. I was talking about college football with the holy war that went on yesterday. University of Utah versus BYU. I apologize. We're blue all the way, unfortunately, it didn't work out well.
Cait's card is too cute. I love how you matched everything! And your card is adorable too.
We're going to another Bash soon, because Bella turns 2 on December 7th. So I'll let you know once we make a decision on when. :)
caitie's card is just adorable!! I love how well she colored it, too. I am sure either grandma will LOVE it. Yours is gorgeous as usual. I wish I could color as well as you with my markers :)
As for the political comment, even though I see above that wasn't what Alanna meant :) -- the way you covered it was a TERRIFIC answer, and I totally agree with you. I too vote for the person for what they believe in and if their views are the same as mine (whether I voted for the nominated person or not, I too will pray that he does well in his position and what is best for our country). Have a blessed day, Kel :)
Caitlyn's card is darling. Your card is great too!
Oh, more gorgeous cards! Caitlyn did a FAB job!
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