If anyone follows my SCS gallery these aren't new. I made them the same day I did the Pose layout. I also created some cards that will be posted later this week as well ^_~ It's cold right now but I've been having so much fun going over our spring and summer pics from last year and scrapping those. Looking through them reminds me of what is coming up, the wonderful warmth of spring and all the fun my girls have after being couped up indoors during the winter. Playtime outside is usually only 20-30 mins the past couple months (that's if they even want to go outside after feeling the cold when we open the door, lol) compared to the average 2-3 hours they will spend outdoors during the spring and summer! They are little wimps like me when it comes to cold weather, lol! This layout uses a Dec Pagemaps sketch. I have really been liking the one page designs this last month.

Some of the misc pics of the girls, I seem to have to scrap every photo of them, lol. I used another Dec pagemaps for this one as well. Both layouts have some Heart of Winter and Unforgettable papers in them and both use the bird basics. All the snow was pretty much melted away yesterday, there was a little that still clung to the corners and the colder shadows and of course the mountains around us still held their snow, but there wasn't anything left to play with. Caitie was a little bit sad about the snow being gone on her way to school yesterday but she was all smiles again when we came home since she got to hand out her reindeer candy canes. Only her and one other boy brought treats for the other classmates which surprised me since everyone brought a lot for Halloween, but oh well. The less candy the better, lol! Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful Saturday!
I love these page maps! I need to go check them out!
Your layouts are just darling! I am patiently waiting for my new paper, lol. And I can't wait for the weather to be nice again too. Hope you guys are having a great weekend.
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