Happy Mother's Day!!
I tried to go shopping for my Mom and MIL earlier this week for Mother's Day and just couldn't find anything that really popped out at me. Well Friday evening rolls around and suddenly I remember, hey! I've got a life delights showcase set still. Not only that but I had bought one of the 9x9 accordian albums when they were on that special $1 deal. So even though my mom's will be late (since I had to mail it out), I think it will be worth the wait. It's been 2 years since I've done any cute albums for anyone and both my mom and MIL have always loved the mini albums I've made before, so I printed out new pics from my digi camera to put these two together.

This one uses the Life Delights Showcase kit. It was the fastest one to put together since the layouts are all preprinted, all you do is add the stickease, photos, and accessories and viola!

I only had 4 sheets left of the More to Adore paper pack but had a bunch of stickease for the set that Sparkle had RAKed me with. It was perfect for this showcase. The stickease made finishing off this display album quick and easy, the longest part was cutting and gluing the layouts together. I basically followed the same design as the Life Delights showcase, subbing what papers I had to fit the layouts. Both of these came out so wonderful, I'm hoping they really enjoy them!

While I was starting to get together these albums Paul said we should make something for his Grandma. It's been just over a year since Grandpa passed away and she's been feeling down. The last time I had make them an album was right after Audrey had been born. I used twilight B&T and some floral tapestry B&T to supplement. Twilight ribbon rounds, some prima flowers, and CTMH embellies accent the album. The chipboard album itself is from Basic Grey. I wasn't thinking about having to cut out each page to cover the chipboard with and had almost gotten the scallop one. I am SO glad I ended up getting this bracket one instead, lol. So that's what I've been up to these last few days. I did break down and print 100 new pics of the 500+ that I had on my card so I'll be scrapping a few of those soon. Then I really need to get back to doing the 2006 seeing as it was my goal to get them all scrapped by the end of June and I still have more 2006 pics left than 2007 ones, lol.
And talk about a nutty way to start my mother's day. Audrey completely mutilated my glasses this morning (luckily I had one last pair of contacts that I hadn't opened yet), and Paul informed me last night that nothing had been fixed on the car yet and our rental was only covered until Sunday... so today basically. The reason : insurance never gave the okay to the mechanics to start working on it after they did the estimate. They never even got back to Paul after he left a message to see what's going on. Enterprise says it's alright though, that anything we end up having to pay to them because our car is still in the shop we can claim through our insurance to be reinbursed, that is if they don't just pick up the bill which they might do come Monday when we can get things straightened out. Paul's taking care of the whole thing to which I am SO thankful because I'd have a fit and not even know where to start. We still have to take the car to the body shop after the mechanics replace the radiator and fix whatever else there was so that means our car probably won't be ready until the end of next week, if there are no more hiccups. And Caitie has had hives since we got home from the movie yesterday. Paul's mom and sis were watching the girls and none of us have any idea what caused them. She hasn't had anything she's allergic to as far as I know and they are really only on her legs. Apparently they had gone down by the time we got home from the show, but she still had them this morning, so yeah my morning has been a bit crazy.
Then my mom called around eleven and we talked. I was so surprised because she usually treats me kind of indifferently, ever since I was a teen that's kind of the attitude I felt I got from her. I know she cares, but she's never really been there for me emotionally. When things go wrong it's usually a 'you made that choice' or 'I didn't agree and you did it anyway, so now look what happened' kind of thing. Well, this time.... she comforted me. She told me everything was going to be okay and things would work out. She reminded me to remember all I do have, my hubby, my girls, and how much they love me, how much she loves me. She actually talked to me and she's never really done that before. I was dumbstruck for a while to finally get that mothering from her that I missed. I've constantly envied Paul's sisters for all the support they get from his mom, and it helped so much with everything that has been happening that I suddenly had a mom of my own when I've felt for so many years that I really didn't and I just cried. I cried about everything that's going on, about finally getting that emotional support from my mom that I didn't have before and didn't realize I had needed so much, about all the stuff that's happened really. Anyway, there's my drama for the morning. I'm doing quite well now, nothing like a good cry, some check balancing, and major cleaning after all that to clear my head, lol. I know it's Mother's Day and I'm not supposed to do that stuff, but the crying helped in just letting out all that tension and doing a little math like that and working with my hands really helps me get over stuff. Well the math just because it gets my mind off stuff and my controlling nature is much more settled when I know exactly where we are at financially. Anyhoo, I'm totally just rambling now. I hope every has a wonderful Mother's Day whether you're a mom or not ^_~
Happy Mother's Day! Glad you had a good cry this morning to help ease a little craziness in your life. I'm also glad your mom was there for you today. It's nice when we can depend on those little things. Your albums are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!
Heather - CTMH sister
Happy Mothers Day! Your albums turned out darling, that is what I used for one of my presents as well. That Life's Delights worked out perfect. I love the more to adore one as well! I am happy you have had a productive day emotionally, we all need a good cry sometimes. I hope your week works out for the best and will be checking in to see how things are going!! Your in my prayers.
Marjorie those are ALL just beautiful. What a perfect gift!
Praying for you too.
Your gifts turned out perfect! I am sure they will be very appreciated! Glad you had a good mother's day. Looking for to the new color challenge. :-)
Your albums are awesome!!!! I hope you ended up having a good Mother's Day - I bet you feel like there is a huge weight off your shoulders now that you have connected on a new level with your Mom!!! I'm glad everything worked out (& it never hurts to have a good cry once in awhile!!!)
Wow - those mini albums turned out fabulous! They will treasure them. Glad you had a good talk with your mom. Have a great day!
Marjorie, your presents turned out just BEAUTIFUL!! I am so sorry to hear you are going through all this at once, but I am glad that your mom was finally there for you. I totally understand how you must have felt (never had a good relationship with my real father), so maybe she has had an eye-opening experience to bring her around. So happy she was there for you!! :) {{hugs}} Kelly L
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