This one was actually the second layout I made for Cait's b-day but it will be the first one when I put it in the album. Uses CTMH CS in heavenly blue and blush, Minds Eye papers and matching transparencies and CS embellishments, CTMH embellies and ribbon, Thickers foam letters/numbers, doodlebug blue flowers, and prima pink flowers. I picked a Dec 07 Page Maps layout that I had used once before. I love this design with the circles and vertical photos and it uses up a lot of pictures as well. I tend to take pictures in the masses, lol.

Here was the first layout I did: Caitie's cake. Uses a new May PageMaps layout. I altered the layout just a tiny bit to fit with the photos I had. I used the same products as the other layout with the exception that I used heidi swap flowers and another unknown brand (the light pink flowers) instead of the doodlebug flowers. And yes, Caitie is LICKING her cake in the far right/top photo! We made sure to give her that piece first, lol.

And the last birthday layout using a Sept 07 8 1/2 x 11 double page layout from PageMaps. I just stretched the layout and used the extra picture I had to make it fit to a 12x12 size :D Audrey was making the funniest faces! It was so nice to scrap these. I adored these papers when I first bought them back in March and have been wanting to scrap these photos for a while. They also went pretty quick! I had forgotten how fast scrappin' is when you don't stamp anything, lol.
I LOVE to take pictures on birthdays. I never get those perfect 'opening the gift' or 'blowing out the candles' pictures but I usually really like the ones I do get which seem a little more candid. My favorite thing is watching my kids eat the cake. Of course they are a lot better at it now, but on the 1st birthdays we let them have their very own mini cake and just dive into it. Caitlyn hardly got messy with hers, she kept patting it and looking at us like "What do I do with this thing?" Audrey however had REALLY gotten into her cake. She had it all over her legs and feet, arms and face, it was hilarious!

Now for the blog candy :D Just a fun little package with some dp, shimmer CS, ribbon, a few flowers, and some of sweet chibibolie images from my stampingbella stamps that I got for Mother's Day. Leave me a comment on this post with something about birthdays; a story, your favorite thing about them, etc. You have until Monday night. Tuesday morning I'll have Cait randomly pick out a name from the hat. Please leave me your name in the post so I can get ahold of the winner easier ^_~ Thanks!
Wow!! this sounds fun!! I'm so new to all this blog stuff...I've heard "Blog Candy" but, I didn't know what it was...and felt to dumb to ask (LOL)
Anyway, Great layouts!!
I love birthday's mine and especially people I love!! I love to make birthday cards and gifts...I love to see the expression on their faces...I think most people love birthdays.
Here's a quick stroy about my 40th birthday...(wow almost 3 years ago) My husband suprised me and flew me to Vegas, had a suite at Cesars Palace with roses and a huge box of Godiva chocoltes with a card from him waiting in the room!! Then he took me to dinner and suprised me with tickets to see Celine Dion!! (love her) then when we got back from the concert the room was lit with candles and rose petals on the bed and the bath was full of bubbles and rose petals and candles all around!!
That was a memorable birthday...and he did it all by himself!! (with the help of the hotel staff)
A birthday I will never forget!
Thanks for letting me share this with you.
I love when little ones dig into their birthday cakes. My son refused to eat his cake on his first birthday. I was so disappointed. My daughter made up for it this past week when she grab handfuls of her cake and rub it everywhere!
I think the thing I love about birthdays most is that I get to see my 4yr old DD experience them. She loves to go to other kids parties and play games, eat cake and sing... and on her birthday she loves that all her friends come to see her and play with her!! ;)
As for me, I'm 26, and thats a good age to be, so I'm not going to have any more birthdays lol
Fantastic LO's love how you put alot of photos on them.
Birthdays are awesome and something very special around my house. With 3 little ones, I try to make each of them feel extra special on their party day and actual birthday. We usually have a date night with just the birthday girl or boy. My middle baby will be 4 on Tues. and we are having his party tomorrow. It's transformers themed. Next Saturday, we're taking our date to a Monster Truck show (never been so it should be interesting), just him, daddy, and me. My favorite part of their birthday is I dig out home videos(when everyone is asleep) of baby to one yr. and cry my eyes out. It just makes me take notice that they grow so fast and to enjoy every minute and I get to reflect on the day I brought them into this world. It's a great celebration all around. BTW, love the layouts. I need to stop stamping so much and just using paper. It Totally goes quicker. You are always such an inspiration!!!
My Birthday is on December 17th. I used to make a BIG deal about no Christmas decorations until after my Birthday . No such luck now that I have kids. If they had it their way, we would start the festvities in October :)
Your layouts are just too cute! It reminds me of one of my co-workers babies on his 2nd birthday. His birthday was close to Halloween and they dressed him up in a duck outfit. And he smeared chocolate cake all over, lol.
Emily hasn't had cake yet at either of her birthdays...and Michael turns 1 next month. But I know if Emily could have it, she'd sit at the kitchen table all day. :)
My most memorable birthday was my kindergarten one. I had a class of 24, 20 boys and I was 1 of 4 girls. None of the girls came to my birthday party...but it was cute. The boys all got me My Little Ponies, lol.
Have a great holiday weekend!
Great layouts. Love the colors - very soft.
Hmm...a birthday story. Probably my best birthday story involves a surprise party I threw for my husband shortly after we were married. He'd moved 3,000 miles to be near me. I flew his Mom out. Put her in a refrigerator box and made him open the box at the party! It was so fun (and I wasn't even the one receiving a gift!)
PS...now that I've been married 17 years and know my MIL better...I'd like to stick her back in that box and ship her to China! LOL.
Great layouts, Marjorie! These comments have been fun to read. I've been doing lots of birthday stuff these last few days because my middle one just turned 5 today! We are having his party at a bounce house party place tomorrow and I'm browsing my fav blogs while I wait for the cake to cook. Seems scrappin' happy and I have a lot in common this week. My son requested a monster truck cake. He just went to a monster truck show last weekend, so I'm checking out the pictures from that so I can design the cake just right. He loves transformers stuff too and has been having fun playing with his new toys today. Great timing for the summer - new toys to keep him busy (at least for the next couple weeks... ;0)
Have a great weekend!
Kim P.
Great LO's Marjorie, they are super adorable! I love birthdays!!! Of course I share the same birthday with 2 other people...but it's always fun...I guess you could say 3x the fun! Even now that we are older we still get together to celebrate!!! My parents would always throw us big birthday parties when we were little!!! I remember one time there was a clown at the party and I wouldn't go near him with a ten foot pole! Don't know why but that party always sticks out in my head!!! ;)
Hope you guys enjoy this holiday weekend, be safe! :D
Love your layouts:)
What I love about birthdays is... if you make them special they are remembered. I threw my oldest son who is now 8, a dino party when he turned 3. (every year is a different theme)He still talks about it! When ever his birthday rolls around, he'll say remember when.... That what makes birthdays special to me. Knowing I'm making a memory for my children that's long lasting and happy.
Jami Rudd
Awesome layouts!! I love birthdays - my family still gets together for each of our birthdays - and there is a lot of us....about 22 of us & that is just immediate family!!
Your pages are awesome! I love birthdays too. Mine is in April and sometimes it falls on Easter, which makes it extra special! I usually get to celebrate with all my family since we get together for church and dinner.
hey there doll! I always love your lo's & anything else you make.
My son is 4 yrs old with a bday in Jan, whenever we are at store or he sees a commerical he will ask "Can I get this for my birthday tommorrow?" I always think its cute & try to tell him he has few months before its his bday. He has no concept of time. He can tell stories of something that actually happened from 2 yrs back & in his mind it happened last night.
Opps I dont think I left my name, Im Jennifer Farrell(ctmh)
The party looked so very fun and your layouts and colors are perfect!
I love to see happy faces on birthdays when my kids see their cake and presents! My favorite birthday story to tell is how my son turned 2 and ate his ice cream on his fork like a lollipop. I'll have to find the picture to explain that one...just so cute, happy and innocent.
Awesome layouts! I love them!!
What I love about birthdays is getting gifts and having nice meals with the ones I love! :) And I love giving cards and presents to those that I love on their birthdays! Birthdays are just awesome :)
bunnybox9 at gmail . com
Great layouts! I love the look on kids' faces when they first taste the sugary goodness :) -Jamey
Once again your layouts are great! I love to see all of your creations! And those pictures of your daughter are great too!
Who dosent love birthdays, the CAKE, the presents, the cards , the joy!!!!
Hey girlie...
I know I already posted a comment for the blog candy, but I wanted to let you know that I awared you the Kreativ Blogger award! Just wanted to tell you to check out my blog! Hope you are having a great weekend! :D
I didn't have time the other day to tell you my birthday story, so I am doing it now!
I recently was in Dallas, TX on a TDY for my work. I came home on Friday, May 23, which was my birthday! I called my Mom when I arrived in SLC to let her know I was home. She told me my children had a big surprise waiting for me and if I went into my house without them, to keep it a secret. After hearing this I decided to go get my children from school early.
My children were so excited they made me wait outside our house until they got in and then called for me. When I entered they shouted, "Happy Birthday" and there was a cool Happy Birthday Mom banner they had made. They each gave me two birthday cards and specially wrapped presents. The presents were their own books for me to read to them. My daughter also gave me her flash cards. LOL! They also helped my Mom make a cake and cupcakes. My Mom had ice cream in the freezer waiting for us too! It was fun to see my children so excited to celebrate my birthday!
I have pictures on my blog of the cute banner they made me.
fantastic birthday layouts, looks like a very fun time was had! I love the birthday princess crown, so sweet!
Sorry I missed your candy, can't believe where this last week has gone, hopefully I will get caught up soon!
sorry to miss the blog candy but how fun! love the pages!
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