The rules for this award: 1. The winner can put the logo on her blog. 2. Link the person you received your award from. 3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 4. Put links of those blogs on yours. 5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated.
So the 7 I am going to nominate are: Jena, she always has such creative layouts and super cute pics of her girls! I have all girls too (well all 2 of them, lol) and it's always neat to see what she's doing to preserve and share her special moments with them. Chris, she makes wonderful cards and is such a great SBS4 sister! Seleise, another great SBS4 sister who is always doing new fun techniques on her cards! Y.Poulsen, she makes such great creative layouts! Kathi, who just awes me with her cards! Jenn, a fellow CTMH friend who makes amazing and fun cards! She's just an all around fun girl! And Sparkle, she is the coolest gal! She's got a lot of awesome cards on her blog and every so often a super cute layout ^_~ She also just got married so hop on over and congratulate the new Mrs. Smith! If you haven't seen their blogs before, go and take a look these ladies have got talent!!
Thanks, Marjorie! You made my day! Can't wait to see your next fabulous creations!
Thanks so much for the award!
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