After last weekend's decorating and b-day card I've been in a Halloweeny mood. This week Sparkle has a sketch up for the challenge, so I pulled out the Halloween papers and set to work using Josh with this card since I had him already stamped out. I like to stamp an image a couple of times when I go to make a card that way I have one already to go next time around ;) The girls have had their costumes picked out for a couple weeks already, A wants to be Spidergirl again and this year C wants to be Batgirl. I love that they picked out superheroes for another year. As much as I like the Disney Princesses, I've always felt that women superheroes were much better role models ;) Anyway, I have all this cute Halloween paper from last year, this set is from My Minds Eye and I also have a bit of last years American Crafts Halloween line as well. I'm hoping to get in a little crop time tomorrow night at a friends, but we'll see. I also have a cute mermaid doll I made for A's b-day I haven't taken pics of yet which I'll hopefully get around to doing this weekend as well and I still have homework plus an art project to do before midterms next week. Anyway enjoy the card and have a fabulous weekend!