Inspiration Challenge
Color Challenge #7
Lilac Mist
Garden Green
To play create a new project (card, layout, altered item, etc.) using at least 3 of the 4 colors. You can send me a link to your creation and I'll post a link to your sample on this thread. Have fun!
Sue's Layout and Card
Laurel's first two cards and her third card
Sparkle's Card
Emilee Ann's Card
Jane's Triple Challenge Card
Marcia's Card
My example :
Colors : Bamboo, Garden Green, Lilac Mist, Buttercup, Colonial White
Papers : Life Delights, Sonata, Floral Tapestry
Accents : Dimensional Elements Alpha and Ribbon Slides, Rhinestones, Buttons, Col White Grosgrain, Garden Green Accessories, Flower sequins, Just Blooms White Daisy, Bigger Blooms, Col White Brads, Sewing
I have a hard time scrapping just one photo. It didn't used to be that way. When I first started scrapping 12x12 pages I did one photo and 2 photo layouts all the time. I have five 70 page 12x12 albums of Caitlyn's FIRST year because of scrapping that way lol. Some of them had a few more pictures than that, but the majority was one photo on one page and two photos on the matching page. I'm also one of those people who has to scrap every photo. After seeing that this method was just not reasonable for as many pictures as I take I tried to include more photos on a layout. Now I usually have an average of about 7 pictures between a two page layout though the only thing I think has really changed is that I just take more pictures of the same event lol. So really I'm probably scrapping the same amount of pages, I'm just taking more pictures to fill them up with! Anyway, I decided to try sewing on this layout. The thread isn't nearly as visible as I would have liked but that's probably a good thing seeing as my sewing is anything but straight, lol. I have terrible sewing skills! I'm going to go with the idea that my crooked sewing makes the page look more whimsical ^_~
Bella Reveal Challenges
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Snail Mail Saturday
Dryer Layout and Dryabella Card
Girl Shop Cards, Cousin Layout, and the Drama of the Month
OOYB Challenge #3
Color Challenge #6
Outdoor Denim
Indian Corn Blue
Kari's Layout
Sue's Card
Sparkle's Card
Nicole's Cards
Seleise's Card
Emilee's Card
Marcia's Card
Nona's Card
Mary's Layout
My example :
Colors : Outdoor Denim, Indian Corn Blue, Olive, Cranberry, Col White
Papers : CTMH CS and Papers - Route 66, Rough & Tumble
Stamps : Extreme Caps, Star Struck, Precious Alpha (# sign), Legendary Moments (stitching)
This was a really fun layout to do. It was so different than what I'm used to with all the girly girl pages I make so at first it seemed like a real challenge. But after I got going it was really pretty simple. I did realize while making this though that I have no cranberry accessories!! I don't have any blue ones either and garden green just wasn't quite dark enough so there are no embellies on the pages at all, just stamping :D
Catchin' up on the Bella Challenges
Colors : Blush, Sweet Leaf, Baby Pink, White (BCC14)
Papers : Cocoa Cafe, Cozy B&T (both retired CTMH)
Stamps : Feelabella (stamping bella), For Every Occassion
Accents : Pink staples
Colored with pencils, this 5x5 bella card was done for the BCC14 color challenge and I used the SC163 sketch challenge as well.
Colors : Black, Colonial White, Gold, Bamboo
Papers : Creative Basics Silhouette, Vintage Wedding (retired)
Stamps : Balloonabella (stamping bella), Just so Hippy by Gina K (sentiments in balloons)
Accents : Mini Rhinestones, Gold Brads, Black Organdy, Gold Glitter
My first circle for this card was actually too small. I tried to make it work then decided to just cut the bigger size I needed. I love how elegant she came out and I think I'm going to be using this card for our anniversary this year. I used the BCC15 color challenge which was to make a valentine theme card without using reds, pinks, or chocolates. And I used the BSC15 sketch for this card as well.
Enjoy the Simple Things
A RAK from Sparkle, she is just such a sweet heart! I know I say that everytime I talk about her but she really is an awesome gal. I admire her generosity and thoughtfulness, and aspire to be more giving in these small ways like she is.
This one is a RAK from Katie on the Bella Forums for playing in the bella challenges :D These challenges have been so much fun to play in and it was an extra treat to receive this in the mail for participating, especially since I love grumpabella, lol. I don't know why, maybe it's because she reminds me so much of myself in the mornings. I just adore all the bellas, lol :D
Anyway in posting this I'm reminded to complete the game that Kathi tagged me with. It's called a "Blog Blessing". The idea behind this tag game is different from other tag games. Rather than look inwardly, we are to look outside ourselves and bless, praise and pray for three blog friends. By participating in this endeavour we not only make the recipient of the blessing feel valued and appreciated, but we are having some fun too. We’re going to see how far the bloggin’ blessings can travel around the world and how many people can be blessed! Recipients of a bloggin’ blessing may upload the above image to their sidebar if they choose to do so. In addition, be sure to go to the blog of those you are blessing and leave a comment on their blog to be sure they check yours!
I'm sending a blog blessing to Kathi, for sending this to me in the first place. I found her blog through the CTMH consultant boards after some wonderful comments she left on my artwork. Her blog is always so full of fun new projects. Everytime I visit I'm inspired to get off my tushie and create! Sparkle because she has got to be the most generous person I've met online. She is so happy and optimistic. I'm so glad to have met her on the CTMH forums as well as be an SBS4 sister with her! Her small acts of kindness have helped me be more giving to not only the people I already know, but to others as well. She has the cutest cards, great layouts, and always has interesting dashes of her life in her posts. I'm also tagging Nicole who has one of the first blogs that I visited. I fell in love with her art, sadly forgot to bookmark her site and spent a while looking for her blog when she commented on my art on the CTMH board. I was so happy to see that because it gave me the link to her blog as well! She is a great lady and I feel one of my first friends in the blogging world. I love seeing her new layouts and her 31 layouts in 31 days goal for January helped me finally get motivated enough to keep up with my own goals. Without her posts I would have not been able to accomplish making even half of all the layouts I've done in the past month. In fact I feel blessed by everyone who has left a comment, all my SBS4 sisters, and all the ladies whose blogs I've visited. Now I know that we are all from different walks of life and faiths, and not everyone may share the same beliefs that I have. Just know ladies that I feel so very fortunate to have met you and have not only been inspired, but touched by your kindness as well. Thank you!
Valentine's Day
I hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day!!
A Week of LOVE - Challenge Day 6 and 7
A Week of LOVE - Challenge Day 5
I contemplated making a page but I really want to get a pic of me scrappin' for that. I'll have to ask my hubby to do that some time, he's still getting used to my new digi camera. So, what do I love about scrapbooking? Well aside from EVERYTHING, lol... it's my way of expressing myself artistically. I've always loved to draw and create things ever since I was little. Leave me alone with a pencil and some paper and I was set for hours from toddler age to teenager. So it's pretty natural that I love scrapbooking. I love the design element and playing with all the fun embellishments. I also love that when I scrapbook my pictures I feel so accomplished. Stamping is a newer love that started with the acrylic alphabets. I was crazy about being able to make my own titles using the colors I wanted with the alphabet stamps. After that I started small with just some flowers and little girl stamps but soon I was addicted!! Scrapbooking is my stress relief. It's what I do for enjoyment and I feel extra happy because I'm also being productive by preserving our memories! Basically, I love everything about it!
A Week of LOVE - Challenge Day 4
Hollyhock, Vanilla Cream, Blush, and Chocolate!
Sue's Cards
Sparkle's Layout
Paper : More to Adore
Stamps : Delightful Alpha, Amore Alpha, Boutique Alpha, Adorable, Because I Love You, Soul Mates
Accents : Hollyhock Accessories, Baby Pink Accessories, Primas, Chocolate Ribbon Rounds, Dimensional Elements Ribbon Sliders and Simple Alpha, Bigger Brads in chocolate & baby pink, Chocolate brads
Another fun love layout. I've always loved this paper and ribbon, and it went perfectly with these daddy/daughter pics. I altered another Page Maps layout for this and did quite a bit of stamping. This is for two challenges actually. The first for my color challenge/week of love and the second for Pam Klassen's OOYB #2 challenge in which the inspiration is the quote "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." It was actually just happen stance that I used the quote on this layout. I was planning on journaling but couldn't think of what to write when the quote and challenge came to mind. It fit perfectly!
Today I helped Caitie make her first Valentines. She only needed a handful since her class is very small. The treats are mini M&M bags inside these little matchbox cards. Both she and Audrey had a blast coloring the images and helping me glue and press down the paper. Caitlyn's favorite part though was using the stapler to create the matchbox front.
A Week of LOVE - Challenge Day 3
My Scrappy Supply Table
In our SBS4 group we have an album to post our scrap space pictures. I've been able to put pics in the other albums but not that one for some reason. I've tried like a dozen times, lol! It just doesn't like me so I'm going to post it here for my SBS4 sistahs and anyone who's curious. This is where I keep my scrap stuff. I actually scrap on my dining table, but this table is right near it so I have everything in reach ^_~ And yes this is everything, lol. Well except my cuttlebug. That is up high on my computer armoire because my girls think it's a toy for rolling/squishing their poor stuffed animals through (like those old clothes ringers for laundry), LOL!
My supply table :
The Crop In Style houses all my CS and paper. I can also fit all my ink pads in there since the paper only takes up 2/3 of the big inside space. I got it because last year the only time I really scrapped was with one of my close friends and her family at either her house or her moms, so I wanted everything I had on the go :D I kept the inks in the holders still because Caitie will steal them and line them all up on the floor or stack them all like blocks, lol. If they are in the cases she leaves them alone ^_~
And here's the top of my computer armoire. Both of these pictures were taken last week when I was trying to upload them onto the yahoo album, so the cards up there are different now. This is where I toss all my mail/bills/recents cards/purse/etc. And yes, there is my cuttlebug trying to stay away from my girlies :D. When Caitie is really adamant about having it she'll pull a chair up to the armoire to get it down, lol.