
Inspired Blueprints Guest Designer!

Supplies : Paper by Cosmo Cricket, Sassafras, and Scenic Route; Flowers from Forest Friends Glitter Acetate Shapes by Colorbok; Thickers by American Crafts; Big Brads in Holiday Red by CTMH;

I'm a guest designer for Inspired Blueprints this week for sketch #22 which is so exciting for me since IB is one of my favorite sketch sites! When they asked me last month I jumped at the chance though while waiting for the sketch I would be using to be emailed I started getting really nervous. I kept thinking 'what if they give me one of those sketches that I have a hard time with?' and 'what if I don't have any mojo?' lol. Luckily the sketch I got was totally awesome and I actually had a hard time narrowing down which pictures to use since I had so many that would have worked. I even made 2 layouts (almost did a third and might still do later, lol). Here's the link to the blog - Inspired Blueprints. I've also had their blinkie on my side bar for a while :D Go on and visit, it's a very fun sketch site and the designers have so many different styles so you're bound to be inspired!

Speaking of exciting, these are actually current photos! I finally printed out some of my 2009 pictures, lol. I kept thinking as soon as I get further along with the 2008 photos I'll start printing the 2009 ones and that is definitely not happening. Since my card was getting a bit crowded I succumbed to printing all the ones up to the point of these pictures, which are our bubble shoot last month. I took a ton, mostly of Caitlyn since she was being the more willing model. Audrey kept giggling and running off, lol, but I did manage to get a couple nice shots of her too. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the layout and new fun pics ^_~ Have a fabulous Friday!!


Laurel said...

Fabulous layout and congrats on being the guest designer!

Jenn said...

Super cute LO!!! Congrats on being their guest designer...totally well deserved! :)

Sparkplug17 said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you! Your layout is gorgeous! Have a great weekend!

Jan Hennings said...

Congrats on being a guest designer! Adorable layout! (Such cute girls!)