Quickie Valentines
A quick last minute Valentine inspired by my heartfelt thanks card a little while back ;) I think sometimes as a crafter I'm a bit hard on myself. This year C and I didn't make Valentines. As we were picking out her treats for her class at Target, I found myself feeling overwhelmed and tired and just too busy to devote more than a minimal amount of effort to class Valentines. So I did the unthinkable. I let C pick out some from the store. I know, blasphemy! I mean cardmakers just do not buy cards, right? But I discovered something: we had just as much fun slapping on the cards to the candy and putting heart stickers on as we ever did putting together handmade Valentines from pattern paper and stamped images. And I realized, as C happily posed for a pic with her hoard of candied cards, that it didn't matter whether what we did was simple and short or long and complex - so long as we did it together. Hoping you all had a great day together with your Valentines! Happy Valentine's Day!
How cute!!