So I was searching SCS (split coast stampers) for some ideas since there are A LOT of them there for scrappers, cardmakers, stampers, and just paper crafts in general and I fell into this thread about acronyms (or more accurately TLAs - three letter abbreviations since an acronym is something like RADAR, an abbreviation made into a word, and a TLA is like TFS, a string of words turned into a quick abbreviation). There were some TSF (Too Stinking Funny) ones like :
I have PMS constantly!! (Purchase More Stamps)
I almost PIMPed! (Peed In My Pants)
DMC - not embroidery thread (Drive Me Crazy)
CRS and CRA - (Can't Remember Stuff & Can't Remember ANYTHING!)
For reference if you don't already know TFS is Thanks For Sharing :D. My favorites were the top two because I'm inflicted with PMS all the time, lol. And PIMP was just too hilarious. For a couple serious ones for the moms out there with teens/tweens that chat, MOMS = mom over my shoulder, POS = parent over shoulder, and DIR or MIR = dad in room and mom in room. Just a couple I picked up. There were actually quite a few extraordinarily long lists, it was literally like another language :S. I really feel OOTL now! (Out Of The Loop)
I love these! This is spot on! Very funny!!!!